Mole checks

Full body mole and skin cancer checks are normally completed within 30 minutes with a MoleMan doctor. Any concerning moles or lesions can be identified on the spot and recommended treatment advised.

We use the latest technology, including manual and digital dermoscopy (molemapping cameras), to diagnose any changes in moles and other skin lesions, which could be indicative of skin cancers. 

Digital dermoscopy (molemapping) offers an excellent baseline for future comparison and monitoring of your moles, as all images are securely stored and can be referred to at future checks. Molemapping is also a highly effective tool for accurate diagnosis and early detection of skin cancer, including melanoma. 

Regular self-examination as well as a full body skin check by a professionally trained skin cancer doctor is your best defence against skin cancer.

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What do I wear to my mole check appointment?

You may wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing (which you will not need to fully remove) that doctors can work around easily. Please remove nail polish and avoid heavy make up if possible.

What happens during a full body mole check?

A full body check takes around 30 minutes with one of our  skin cancer doctors. During the appointment your skin will be comprehensively checked, using both a dermoscope and a molemapping camera, as the doctor looks for any potentially concerning moles or lesions. Any moles that the doctor would like to see in greater detail, or feels should be retained for future monitoring and comparison, will be photographed using the molemapping camera. Images taken during your check are enlarged (around 30x) onto an HDTV screen and then the doctor will discuss the images and any feedback or diagnosis with you. 

The areas under your underwear are not generally checked, so please be aware of any lesions or moles on these areas and mention these to the doctor during your consult. You do not have to be fully undressed for the duration of your appointment, the doctor will work around what you are wearing, but it is ideal if you are wearing something loose and comfortable.

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If you would like to find out more about the process for a full body mole check at MoleMan, including what to wear, the technology we use and what happens during your thirty minute consultation, check out this quick video.

Skin cancer treatment

If action is required to treat or remove a mole or lesion, your MoleMan doctor will arrange another appointment to have this completed onsite using the latest surgical equipment and procedures.

Our doctors will provide patients with continued care from initial consultation and diagnosis, through to treatment, if required, and ongoing follow-up care.

Image storage

To help with early detection and treatment, MoleMan has digital image storage available for future comparison and monitoring of lesions.

Cosmetic mole and lesion treatment

If you have an unsightly mole or growth that you would like removed, let MoleMan take care of this for you. Our doctors use the latest plastic surgery techniques without the price tag.

Don't let an embarrassing or annoying mole get you down. Make a time to come and see us about it today. Please see further details regarding our cosmetic mole removal services under Pricing: 'Cosmetic mole removal consultation'.




Initial full body mole and skin cancer screening appointment, using advanced DermEngine digital technology for first time MoleMan patients or patients not seen for 24 months since last full body check (30 mins): $180 inc. GST

Mole check of 1-2 moles of concern (please note this is not a replacement for a full body check which is highly recommended). The doctor will use digital dermoscopy to check 1-2 concerning moles or lesions (15 mins): $90 inc. GST

Follow up full body mole and skin cancer screening appointment post your first or previous full body mole check consultation (no longer than 24 months later): $150 inc. GST

Cosmetic mole removal consultation

At MoleMan we perform surgical removals as appropriate. With regard to removal of a cosmetic mole or lesion, we require patients to make an initial 15-minute appointment in order to discuss and advise on the most appropriate treatment or procedure, any scarring and healing time that may be involved and to answer any questions you may have.

Please note that sometimes it may be more appropriate, if a mole or lesion is being removed for cosmetic purposes, to have a lesion treated in a non-surgical way, such as: intense pulse light (IPL) treatment, laser therapy or chemical peels. We will always recommend and aim to deliver the treatment that we believe will produce the best result for our patients. We do not provide IPL, laser or chemical peel treatments  at MoleMan, but can direct you to other medical providers who do, if required.

At MoleMan we offer both surgical and shave removal procedures, which are often best suited to larger, raised moles and can produce an excellent cosmetic result. If your moles of concern are small and/or flat then we may advise an alternative treatment or provider. When enquiring about a cosmetic mole removal appointment you can discuss with our reception team whether the surgical procedures that we provide at MoleMan may be appropriate for you.

Consultation with doctor (does not include full body mole check): 15 mins: $85 inc. GST

Non-cosmetic mole or skin lesion removal consultation (does not include full body mole check) - 15 minutes: $85 inc GST

Surgery and treatment At MoleMan, we charge according to the time required for surgery or treatment. General pricing for skin cancer and cosmetic mole removal surgery (inc. biopsies) as follows. All pricing also includes post-operative and follow-up care.

Surgery under 20 minutes: $250.00 inc. GST

Surgery 20-40 minutes: $450.00 inc. GST

Surgery 40-60 minutes: $650.00 inc. GST

Surgery over 60 minutes: TBA

Costs for your surgery or treatment, if required, will be advised at your first appointment.

Cancellation policy

All appointments cancelled or postponed less than 24 hours prior to the confirmed appointment time will incur a 50% late cancellation fee.


Policies often differ between insurance providers, so it's a good idea to check your policy with your insurer first.

Upon payment, a receipt can be provided for you to make a claim back from your insurer for screening and/or skin cancer treatment.

MoleMan is an affiliated provider to Southern Cross Health Insurance for skin cancer checks and skin cancer surgery at our Northcote Point clinic. For Southern Cross members, we can apply for prior approval for your consultation and manage your claim on your behalf. 

MoleMan is audited by HDANZ to meet the ROOMS/OFFICE BASED SURGERY AND PROCEDURES NZS 8165:2005 quality standards.

MoleMan is audited by HDANZ to meet the ROOMS/OFFICE BASED SURGERY AND PROCEDURES NZS 8165:2005 quality standards.